OK, let's start with the name. Many people want to pronounce this poor, poor man's name "Harry Shytie." It's not prono...
'56 of the month: Harry Chiti
Info Post
OK, let's start with the name. Many people want to pronounce this poor, poor man's name "Harry Shytie." It's not prono...
I will probably never watch an NBA game, for more than a couple minutes, for the rest of my life. This is no surprise. I've made it thro...
I seem to have this habit of periodically annoying dayf at Cardboard Junkie. I don't mean to do it, but before you know it, I've sai...
No time yesterday, no time today. You people with your five-day weekends. I have about as much time today as the kid who cut out this 1961 P...
Among my favorite kinds of night cards are the ones in which a card company was forced to use a photo from a night game because the game was...
As in "certain" that this card is now in my collection. The Nebulous 9 is now down to a mere six cards. That's both due to my ...