Ginter ... just because I like annoying people
Info Post
But before I start annoying people, let me ask, what are team collectors doing about these things? Are you obsessively saving one because Topps has issued an app ad for every team?
I am. But I feel goofy about it.
Anyway, this came with a whole bunch of 2012 Allen & Ginter from Chris at Nachos Grande, who must have A&G seeping out of every crack in the wall. He even sent two separate packages a couple of weeks apart, as if he suddenly came upon another stack growing in the hallway.
I gladly accepted them because I'm trying to complete the set for a fifth straight year. But part of me hesitated in showing them because so many people are "sick of Allen & Ginter." Heck, even I sort of breeze through the Gint-a-Cuffs posts as I'm not in the competition this year.
But because I'm not in Gint-a-Cuffs I miss out on the delightful ritual of annoying folks just because. And that's not right. I should have the right to annoy with Allen & Ginter every year, whether I'm in Gint-a-Cuffs or not.
So ....
From Nachos Grande, here is:
A mini.
A black-border mini.
A sideways black-border mini.
A Sandy.
An Ackley.
A Worley.
A Petty.
A Johnny.
A Kersee.
A Loney.
A Wandy.
A Beachy.
A Frenchy.
A Yogi.
And a Kershaw.
Because ...
Plus, a whole mess of others:
(P.S.: Still no Kate Upton).
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